Stainless Steel Pegs: Say goodbye to Plastic Pegs


It's often said "oh that's okay it'll biodegrade" which always makes me wonder if people realise that depending on the item being referenced things do not simply biodegrade at the same rate.

Perhaps a lot of this confusion starts from our youth. We're taught about how things biodegrade at primary school. Typically the example is an apple, a fruit that will naturally breakdown back into the environment within a relatively short period of time. And it's likely we've been taught about biodegradability using an apple as an example for the very reason that it takes a very short time to occur. This allows us to clearly see the results of biodegration

What once seemed like a great replacement for a wooden peg, has turned out to be yet another common household product that’s contributing to the planet’s growing plastic pollution problem.

After a year or two, a plastic peg will start snapping apart in your hands. Plastic pegs are not recyclable and will definitely end up in landfill.

In a previous post EORTH reviewed 316 and 301 Stainless Steel pegs both excellent environmentally friendly clothes pegs.

Stainless Steel Pegs

Stainless Steel Wire Pegs

Stainless Steel Wire Pegs are the Maserati of pegs, especially if you’re opting for a 316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel Peg. When you purchase high quality stainless steel pegs— you’ll never need to buy another set of pegs again. These stainless steel pegs will last you a lifetime. Don’t live by the ocean? Then you probably don’t need the highest-grade stainless steel peg, 201 Grade Stainless Steel pegs are just as sturdy, and are a less expensive option.


  • The higher the quality the less chance you’ll have of rust.
  • Wire Pegs won’t burn your fingertips in hot weather (we’ve tested these pegs at 42 degree heat in Far North Queensland, and no burnt fingertips to report).
  • Wire pegs will hold your laundry safely on the line and are suitable for windy conditions.
  • Wire Pegs are easy to open and stainless steel pegs don't leave marks on your delicate clothing.

No matter which eco-friendly peg you choose, make it a Plastic Free choice and you’ll be a winner either way.


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