Catherine Anne Earle

Cathy spent her younger years playing on the beaches of Cairns, and spent hundreds of hours enjoying the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef giving her an understanding and respect for marine life. She has been fortunate enough to spend 20 years living in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada where being "eco-friendly" was not a lifestyle choice but rather just a lifestyle. When moving back to Australia in 2016 and participating in the Plastic Free July Challenge, she became more aware of the issue of plastics and ocean pollution. It was during this time she decided to be more of an active participant in the war against plastics. Using her graphic and web development knowledge she set about to create a plastic free store—a one stop shop for household plastic free items. And EORTH the Plastic Free Online Store was created!

Plastic Pollution and the Silicone Solution

Plastic pollution, climate change
and the silicone solution

If you care about climate change you should care about plastic pollution as well. Many people make the connection with plastic being bad for the environment, as they see first hand the detrimental impacts from the end of use products littering the planet. However, plastic pollution also comes from making or burning the product, as

Plastic pollution, climate change
and the silicone solution
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Zero Waste - Hands Holding Plant

Zero Waste Week

Are you familiar with zero waste week? Perhaps you’ve heard of zero waste and thought “that’s ridiculous it’s not possible to create no waste”. You’d be correct with those thoughts, however as we’ve highlighted in previous articles on zero waste, the zero is not a number — it’s a goal. The Goal: reuse and recovery

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Plastic Pollution: Discarded Tyres

Green Steel: Discarded tyres fuelling steel operations

Plastic Pollution: Plastic Solutions is a series of articles where we highlight Australian people and businesses that are tackling plastic pollution head on. We hope you enjoy the first of this series that highlights Veena Sahajwalla, a native of India who now calls Australia home. PLASTIC POLLUTION: DISCARDED TYRES When we think of tyres, we

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