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Connecting Plastic to Climate Change

Connecting Plastic to Climate Change

A topic that's often overlooked when discussing climate change — plastic and its impact on our planet. The environmental impact of plastic starts long before it becomes waste.

So if you care about climate change, you should care about plastic products and plastic pollution.

Plastics, fossil fuels, and climate change are all interconnected — and that's why it’s more important than ever to reduce our reliance on plastic.

The majority of plastic is made from fossil fuels — specifically oil and gas.

In fact, about 99% of plastic comes from these non-renewable resources. So when we talk about climate change, we need to include plastic production as part of the conversation.

It’s not just the visible pollution that’s the problem. Plastic pollution happens at every stage—starting with oil extraction and refining, through production, and finally when it’s discarded and considered waste.

Not only that, but when we look at the recent fires in LA, one of the contributing factors in the ability for the buildings to burn so quickly, releasing harmful toxins into the air and marking it harder for fighters to combat the flames — was due to plastic.

There's plastic throughout our homes and I'm not just referring to the single-used plastic that are commonly used. Electronic equipment, furniture, paint, curtains and on and on. Our homes contain hundreds of items of flammable plastics. 

Let’s look at a few types of plastics and their environmental impact:

Biodegradable and compostable plastics are made from renewable materials like corn starch or sugarcane. Biodegradable plastics can break down naturally through bacteria or other living organisms, which means they don’t stick around in the environment for long.

Compostable plastics require specific conditions to decompose. Meaning, as the name implies, they need to be composted.

Should biodegradable plastics end up in the ocean or landfill, they may not breakdown as intended.

Bio-based plastics are also made from natural sources, such as plants, and include plastics like PET — the same plastic used for water bottles and food containers. While it’s possible to make PET from renewable resources, most of the production today still relies on fossil fuels.

So, while bio-based plastics may sound more sustainable, they often have the same environmental impact as traditional plastics.

Fossil-Based and Non-Biodegradable Plastics
These plastics are made from oil and gas. They include some of the most common plastics in the world, like polyethylene, which is used in single-use packaging, and PVC, found in things like water pipes and wire insulation.

Polyethylene is the most manufactured plastic in the world, accounting for over 100 million metric tonnes each year. Yet, globally, only 9% of plastic waste is recycled. That means the majority of this plastic persists in our environment, often accumulating in oceans and waterways.

And Then What? What happens to all this plastic when we're done with it? Much of it isn't recycled and instead sits in landfills for centuries, or worse, ends up in our oceans harming marine life.

The reality is plastic isn't just a pollution problem,  it's also a climate problem. 

If we want real change, we need to rethink our reliance on plastic and hold the industries driving its production accountable.

Until next time, keep asking, And Then What?

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